Wednesday, December 7, 2016

     Who would have guessed that I would enjoy writing. I learned that with a little prompting anything is possible. I put my fears aside and just went with the flow. The flow of the prompts made the task of writing interesting and fun! The adrenalin that I felt the second that I hit that first publish tab. Honestly, it was addicting. What seemed scary and foreign at first turned out to be the driving force behind my writing madness. I learned that I enjoyed knowing that others may read what I wrote! 
     I am positive that if teachers model, set clear expectations, provide examples and offer our their students choices of interesting prompts to write about then I trust their students will want to write. It worked for me! I know we will have successes when integrating blogging into our instruction, because let's face it todays students are more tech savvy then ever before! It is their way of life although, the challenge will be keeping up with the changes and finding the time to sit down and write!